Welcome to Our House of Pets

Chilly and Sunny

We have had many pets over the years. We have put pictures of them on the web for fun. We currently have two cats, Chilly and Sunny. Chilly's name at the vet is Chillie Nelson. Sunny's name at the vet is Sunshine. They are both strays that we took in that were in our neighborhood.

Chilly came to us first. He came in the winter time during a very cold winter. His name of Chilly stuck because we felt so sorry for him that we decided to feed him. There was an 11 degree overnight coming so we fixed a small shelter and put out some food. We call him Chilly Bear for obvious reasons, but Greg calls him Chilly Dog.

Sunshine showed up about six months later during the summer. She came right in the backyard despite JC nosing around her. We invited her in and showed her how to use the dog door to find food. She followed Chilly right in and claimed her new boyfriend. We pretty much call her Baby Girl, Kitty, Kitty Bits or Bitty Kitty.

We will build out more information soon. Thanks for visiting.